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Our team
Tiama offers a solid training, whose aim is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but, above all, the training of honest people capable of contributing to the sustainable development of society.
Continuous training of staff
Chosen on the basis of competence and human qualities, it identifies with the educational project and the awareness of being a model. Educational methods converging towards excellence.
Effective trilingualism
French, English, Spanish .

Head teacher
Thérèse Virginie NGO PONDI
Assistant manager
Magdalene MWIGIO
Pre- nursery: Charleine ABEGA, Momou AWAWOU, Sandy MINKOULOU, Christabel WANDUM
Nursery 1: Josiane TCHAHGA, Stella JIOKENG
Nursery 2: Charlotte KPUYUF, Liliane NYEBE
Stéphanie JIAMO
Class 1: Josiane AKAMBA
Class 2 : Alice MBEL
Class 3: Fabiolla KONGSO
Class 4: Bernadette KOUEBOU
Class 5: Helen NJOMBU
Class 6: Miryame EFFA
Maths/LCN/Sport: Elisabeth Mbala
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